Hey, I’m Jasmine
My name is Jasmine Atwal, and I recently completed my Bachelor of Science in Visual Communication Design at San Francisco State University. I am passionate about design because it allows me to express creativity while solving complex problems. For me, design bridges creativity and functionality, creating solutions that are aesthetically pleasing, user-friendly, and effective. I understand the significant impact good design has on people's happiness and well-being, and I aim to make everyday interactions seamless and enjoyable.

I am excited to pursue a career in UI/UX design, fascinated by how good design improves lives. Whether it's a mobile app, a website, or a physical product, the user's experience is central to my work. This belief drives me to excel in creating well-designed products that enhance people's lives.

Throughout my academic career, I have gained a wealth of knowledge and experience in various aspects of design, such as typography, color theory, layout design, and branding. I have also honed my skills in software programs such as Adobe Creative Suite and Figma, which are essential tools for any UX designer. Additionally, I have worked on various design projects that have allowed me to apply my knowledge and sharpen my skills in a real-world setting.
In addition to design, I have a passion for fashion, music, and films, which inform my personal taste and often inspire my creative work. I enjoy exploring new hobbies and interests, and I have found that my diverse experiences have contributed to my creativity and problem-solving abilities. Although I may not be a master of any particular hobby, I have learned to value the process of learning and growth, which has helped me to adapt and thrive in different situations.

I place a high value on honesty, simplicity, and strong relationships with family and friends. These values have shaped my work as a designer, as I believe that the best designs are often the most straightforward and user-friendly. I am dedicated to building meaningful relationships and collaborating with others to achieve shared goals.